All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 in total

Awareness, Choice and Leadership

On today's episode, we are examining the big picture, specifically focusing on awareness and choice, and how both are crucial for leadership. We inherit our physical b...

Big Work Requires Big Support

Today's episode is for you if you think you can do it alone, if you think you don't support, or you think being supported is a weakness.As my mentor Jesse Koren says, ...

Why Movement? Your Habits Hinge on Movement

On today's episode, we're exploring why movement is such a big deal according to Moshe Feldenkrais. We dive into his book, "Awareness Through Movement," and explore th...

Laura Bond - Exploring the Emotional Body

"We are all emotional beings."I'm going to be a vulnerable here...even though I am feeling better overall than I have ever felt before, I have had a difficult history ...

Embodying the Voice

Feldenkrais Practitioner, musician and storyteller David Kaetz says that many of us get disembodied from our voice from a young age. It's common and normal for kids to...

Respect Your Body Like Your Mind

On today's episode, I take a question from a long time listener and student. She asks, Is it possible to have as much respect and concern for my body as I do for my mi...

The Importance of Rest

When do you rest?Do you save rest for the end of the day? What does quality rest look like?Many of us are conditioned to work for hours on end with little rest. Rests ...

Caroline Ritter - Knowledge Generation, Changing Habits and Animal Training

We are deeply formed by our experiences and those experiences create the lens in which we view the world. How well do we really know ourselves? My guest Caroline Ritte...

Why Movement? Your Breath is Movement

We breathe every every minute. Breath is essential to life.​How you breathe, whether through your nose or through your mouth, the volume of air that you take in, the s...

Candia Raquel - Choosing Pleasure: Maturity, Boundaries, and Sensuality

Sensuality is our birthright, says my guest Candia Raquel. Sensuality is pleasure derived from our sensation, free from inhibition and full of self-expression. To be w...

(Re)Introducing Jeffrey and the Podcast

Welcome to the Expand Your Ability podcast!This show is about how we can empower ourselves through movement, curiosity, play and awareness. I've done a lot of continue...

Somatic Visioning for 2024

Welcome to 2024! 🎉On this episode, we will be looking at what value you want to cultivate and embody this year through a somatic movement proces. By value, what do I m...

Somatic Reflecting on 2023

This is the last episode of 2023 so let's reflect! We will look back on the events of this past year, including our relationships, our challenges and what we've learne...

Marlene Finds Her Power Again

Marlene came to class with a big celebration.She reported that after our previous Feldenkrais class, she found a sense of embodied empowerment she hadn't felt since sh...

Why Movement? Movement is the basis of awareness

We go back to the book, Awareness Through Movement, to continue this series on Why Movement? Why did Feldenkrais choose movement to focus his method around?Awareness T...

Adam Lane Smith - What Do Secure Relationships Look Like?

If you have lived with insecurity, it can be challenge to imagine what a good relationship could be like. A good relationship can be so foreign, you might even reject ...

Are You Learning Or Coping?

Do you use read blogs, stay up with the news , youtube podcasts ? (I know you listen to at least one podcast and thank you for being here 😄)  I know you're learning so...

Share Your Learning To Learn More

If you've been listening to this show for a while you will notice that at the end of each episode I encourage you to share the ideas you hear here with a friend. I say...

No Strain... and Yet Gain?? (Includes a Feldenkrais Lesson)

You can hear the gym teacher yelling:Feel the stretch! Feel the burn! Work it! work it! Strain, working hard, efforting, stretching... that's all necessary to make gai...

Your Insecurities Are Predictable, So Question Them

Your Insecurity is predictable. Insecure thinking isn't unique to you and so I think you should question it.On this episode, we explore how insecurity plays out in our...

Why Movement? Movement is a Window into Your Nervous System

We are going back to the Awareness Through Movement book for another look at Why Movement? Why movement as a way toward personal development and transformation?  Moshe...

Beat Perfection and Aim for a B+

In the previous episode I talked about how our time in school has a lasting impact on our experience. For many It shapes us to do well, that we must get good grades an...

On Getting Good Grades and Flunking

A common challenge for students in Awareness Through Movement classes is that they try much harder than they need to. For a good reason too, they want to do a good job...

Feldenkrais Shakes Up Your Dream Life

In this episode we discuss  a topic I love: how the Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons can influence your dream life. It's one of my favorite aspects of th...

Q&A #1: Isolating Mind from Body, Becoming a Warrior and Sadness during Lessons

In this episode I answer your questions. The three questions are:Are there Feldenkrais lessons that isolate the mind and body from each other?After cowering as a child...

Stop Drifting and Make a Life Plan

Do you feel lost, directionless, overwhelmed by choice, or feeling powerless to make lasting change in your life?If so, this episode has something for you.In this epis...

Why Movement? Your Movement Reveals Something About You

A old woman is walking down a busy sidewalk in the city when she is firmly bumped aside as a man runs past her. Wait a second... that man stole her purse! Fortunately ...

Lavinia Plonka - Practice makes a Master

Lavinia Plonka, veteran teacher of the Feldenkrais Method is my guest this week. Her background stretches from playing the according, to theatre and mime, to yoga and ...

The Land of Giants - The Troubles of Childhood

Do you have a memory of a time when you were a kid and you ran away and hid? There was something so bad and you felt so terrible that  you had to get away.Does that me...

What is Health?

We deal here with health and not with disease. This is what Moshe Feldenkrais told the students of his training program back in 1980. Feldenkrais offers a two part def...

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