Your Insecurities Are Predictable, So Question Them

Your Insecurity is predictable. Insecure thinking isn't unique to you and so I think you should question it.

On this episode, we explore how insecurity plays out in our thinking. Have you had these thoughts?
They are so amazing. Why would they want to be with me anyway?
I'll be better off on my own.
Ugh, they are so needy! It's pathetic.
I've ruined everything.
If you said yes to any of the above,  listen to this episode it's got some important ideas here for you.

On this episode I introduce ideas from Attachment Theory. Attachment theory refers to how people give and receive love and support, how they act when they are emotionally close, or not, with others. I describe the 3 primary styles or strategies in attachment and give examples of how insecure people think based on the book Attached. by Amir Levine.

When I read the common thoughts offered by the book, I knew I could question every single one of them. I didn't need to believe them anymore.

These insecure thoughts are not true to who you really are. I believe it's your responsibility to become aware of insecure thinking and behavior, and to question them.

The Feldenkrais Method®'s Awareness through Movement lessons help you become a highly tuned insecurity detector by reducing tension and cultivating efficient movement.

Attachment Theory Resources
Attached. by Amir Levine
Wired for Love by Stan Tatkin
Adam Lane Smith's extensive YouTube library


Hi, I’m Jeffrey. As a Feldenkrais and somatic movement practitioner I help you get in touch with your body so you can unravel old sticky patterns and make way for greater creativity, power and joyful play.

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I'm directing a documentary film about Feldenkrais. Check out the Teaser Trailer. 

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Creators and Guests

Jeffrey Schwinghammer
Jeffrey Schwinghammer
Podcast Host, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Filmmaker
Your Insecurities Are Predictable, So Question Them
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