Why Movement? Movement is Richer than Feeling and Thought

"We all have more experience of movement, and more capacity for it, than of feeling and thought," says Moshe Feldenkrais in his 3rd argument for Why Movement as a basis for self-improvement.

In the North American culture I call home, there is a strong emphasis on personal growth through acquiring information like facts and ideas with not much of a focus on learning through movement (I understand the irony that I am creating a podcast to share information 😆).
Feldenkrais believes movement offers richer experience for us than thoughts and feelings. We can learn directly through movement and find out for ourselves.

In this episode you'll hear about:
- Movement's primacy in the nervous system.
- Jeffrey's personal experience of disregarding his body.
- Sensitivity vs. Over-Excitability (a continuation of the idea's from last's week's episode).
- Avoiding difficult feelings.
- "Thought-terminating Cliches".
- Uncovering our deep beliefs and stories.
- Feldenkrais' goal to lead people to being critical- and free-thinkers.

For this episode, I draw from Feldenkrais' book Awareness Through Movement.

Hi, I’m Jeffrey. 
I am a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Filmmaker. I am the director of the upcoming documentary on the Feldenkrais Method.
Stay connected and subscribe to the podcast.

New Course Coming! I Need Your Help.
Do you feel stuck lately? Are old ways of thinking, feeling, or moving holding you back? What do you need more support with?
I am doing research interviews with people like you in order to build an online course. Would you be open to a 15-20min interview? Send me an email:  jeffrey@expandyourability.com

Watch the Feldenkrais Documentary Teaser Trailer: teaser.feldenkraismovie.com
Follow Me on Instagram: @expandyourability
Had an Aha? Let me know: jeffrey@expandyourability.com

Creators and Guests

Jeffrey Schwinghammer
Jeffrey Schwinghammer
Podcast Host, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Filmmaker
Why Movement? Movement is Richer than Feeling and Thought
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