Embrace Your Creativity with the Feldenkrais Method

For over a decade I have done video editing. So often by the end of a work session I would walk away feeling cranky or prickly. While creating the videos I was also creating unnecessary discomfort (which sent my on a journey into the Feldenkrais Method).  That was the basis for burnout and resentment. Not good.

I believe everybody is fundamentally creative. We create the relationships we have with the choices we make (whether or not we know what choices we are making). The Feldenkrais Method is a method of becoming aware of the choices we make so we open up new choices.

I offer a brief Awareness Through Movement exploration to give you a direct experience of how your choices create new (and better) experiences for yourself.

In this episode you will hear:
  • How all people are inherently creative
  • Another look at the Self-Image
  • How our invisible choices interfere with creativity
  • Examples of how Feldenkrais lessons are co-created between teacher and student
  • How creativity is taking new unexpected paths
  • A guided movement exploration that shows how the choices you make affect your stability and balance

Hi, I’m Jeffrey. 
I am a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Filmmaker. I am the director of the upcoming documentary on the Feldenkrais Method.

Stay connected and subscribe to the podcast.

New Course Coming! I Need Your Help.
Do you feel stuck lately? Are old ways of thinking, feeling, or moving holding you back? What do you need more support with?

I am doing research interviews with people like you in order to build an online course. Would you be open to a 15-20min interview? Send me an email:  jeffrey@expandyourability.com

Watch the DocumentaryTeaser Trailer: teaser.feldenkraismovie.com
Follow Me on Instagram: @expandyourability
Had an Aha? Let me know: jeffrey@expandyourability.com

Creators and Guests

Jeffrey Schwinghammer
Jeffrey Schwinghammer
Podcast Host, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Filmmaker
Embrace Your Creativity with the Feldenkrais Method
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